Plant, water and maintain:
Organize the Annual Spring Cleanup of the Watson Wildflower Garden Manage the operation of the Garden Plots Organize and participate in the Annual Winter Holiday Decorating Work with the Building & Grounds Committee and Landscaping Committee |
Who to Contact
Meeting Dates Current Members Description of the Garden Areas Private Garden Plot Basics Caring for the Conservatory East Cage Garden Supplies Calendar of Events |
Conservatory Care Group:
Jenny Rajput or Faye Herold Garden Plots: Dottie Waltz Community Herb & Rhubarb Plot: Jenny Rajput or Faye Herold All Other Questions or Comments: Kathleen Shannon |
Meetings are scheduled as needed and are open to all residents of Coffman. Subgroups such as the Conservatory Care Group sometimes hold meetings separate from the Committee Meetings. |
Gerri Anderson
Mary Briggs Cynthia Fuller Cathy Lee Gierke Margaret Green Betty Hanna Karen Kloser Lana Herskovitz David Herold Faye Herold Ona Lentz Finette Magnuson Jenny Rajput Kathleen Shannon Anna Skovholt Dottie Waltz |
If you have a REALLY nice, healthy, interesting plant that needs a new home we might decide to add it to the Conservatory collection. However, please check with us first before moving any plants into the Conservatory.
Our pride and joy is the Conservatory with its interesting variety of plants and warm sunlight. To keep it looking good requires a team of volunteers. The huge Norfolk Island Pine requires almost daily watering whereas the succulents can go for a week or two without a drink. Think about joining the Conservatory Care Watering Team of Mary Briggs, Cynthia Fuller, Faye Herold, Lana Herskovitz, Mary Abbe Hintz, Peg Houck, Finette Magnuson, Mary Ellen Nerney, Jenny Rajput, Eric Schiffman, and Kathleen Shannon. Training is available and you sign up for the week that works for you.
Located in the SE corner of the garage, the East Cage can be accessed with your R key. This is a shared storage space so please only borrow or use items on the shelves marked Resident Shared Garden Items. Add usable (clean) items to the collection or take what you can personally use. There are hand tools, pots, fencing, stakes, long-handled tools, etc. This is not a place to store your personal garden items, but items you no longer need are welcome. The white cabinet on wheels can be used for potting by putting one of the plastic bins on top. Just remember to clean up after use. There is a broom and dustpan in the corner near the trash room as well as a small trash can and a water spigot.