From September 8-18, LRP asked you to respond to an outreach survey aimed at capturing your thoughts about the state of our community. We hoped and received a high response rate (60%+)and for in-depth feedback—both positive and critical—about anything and everything you want to tell us. The survey was anonymous.
Two residents who submitted surveys received prizes of two meals each from Chef Caroline. Because the survey was anonymous, we only know them as Respondents #3 and #93. In early November, the Survey Team completed its coding of survey responses. It produced a report provided to the larger LRP committee for feedback and is currently working with feedback to produce the next version for the Board. We expect to share the survey responses with residents in January. We have also begun work on a Resident Priority survey that explores the specific issues and ideas generated from this first survey. We expect to release that in early 2021. |
The survey covered four areas: