Jim Crow era, and today’s systemic racism are rooted in an American caste system—one based on skin color. Wilkerson’s “Eight Pillars of Caste” provides readers with a framework for understanding current conversations around white privilege and systemic racism.
According to Robin DiAngelo, the persistence of the U.S. caste system has produced a white population with little stamina for frank discussions about race. In her book, White Fragility she explores the defensive behaviors that even well-intentioned whites exhibit when challenged racially. Ijeome Oluo, author of So You Want to Talk About Race offers us concrete strategies for avoiding these defensive behaviors. First look for these titles on the RECENT & RELEVANT shelves. If not there, check in the AFRICAN AMERICAN ISSUES section on the Library’s upper level. The books are very popular and may also be on loan to another resident. Comments are closed.
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